The Multiplication Miracle is not intended to replace textbook instruction and/or good, old-fashioned memorization of multiplication facts. This method is for those who struggle with concepts requiring memorization, and is intended to be a supplementary teaching tool, as well as an alternative to traditional teaching methods.
In teaching students with special learning needs, I found that many learners are simply unable to memorize material. This program does not focus on memorization; instead, it teaches a method—one that the learner can depend on to work every time. The method is fun and simple to learn and use. The method can even be applied to division with only a few modifications.
Learners who traditionally learn at a slower pace, as well as those who are unable to memorize, “get it” with
The Multiplication Miracle. They retain it and truly understand it, as well. Those who tend to be quick learners are able to catch on to the method immediately and are able to develop a greater understanding of the process of multiplication. With repeated practice these students begin to memorize multiplication facts and no longer need the method. Even those learners who are unable to memorize consistently get correct answers by using the method and are generally able to do so within seconds. Oftentimes it’s difficult to tell whether a student has memorized or is using the method because the results are so comparable.
The Format:
The book is made up of several parts. The first part is the “Important Information.” This section gives a basic overview of the program- a sort of explanation of how it all works. Part II of the book is the “Instructor’s Guide.” This part is where you will find detailed instructions on how to teach the method and deliver instruction on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Part III of the book is entitled “Student Worksheets.” This section contains reproducible worksheets that will be completed by the learner. I recommend making copies of each chapter and either stapling or placing in a folder for each learner. Each chapter in the “Instructor’s Guide” corresponds with a chapter in the “Student’s Worksheet” section. You will find the method easy to teach and the format easy to follow; in fact, you probably won’t need the “Instructor’s Guide” for much of the instruction. Finally, the “Appendix” contains is a generic certificate page and score sheet, which you will also copy as needed. An answer key for the “Student Worksheets” section is also found here. Don’t forget that each book also comes with a code you can use to download the songs that accompany the method, as well as extra drill and practice.
The Method:
The Multiplication Miracle starts with the basics, making certain that the learner understands what multiplication is- repeated addition or “counting by a number.” Students will be able to demonstrate by drawing and manipulating groups of objects. Next the instructor teaches the “Finger Numbering Technique,” which is detailed in the book. For each chapter/number, students learn a song (to the tune of a familiar children’s song found in the public domain) that makes counting by any number easy. Learners also complete a series of fun worksheets and games that reinforce the method and encourage mastery of multiplication facts.